Bang Pakong River: Right Bank Project

Project Name: Bang Pakong River: Right Bank Project

Firm Name: Asian Engineering Consultants Co., Ltd.

Associate Firms: MACRO Consultants Co., Ltd.

Location: Chachoengsao Province, Thailand

Project Owner: Royal Irrigation Department

Type of Project: Water Resources Management

Period: October 1993 - June 1995

Project Features: The Bang Pakong River Project was formerly studied and planned by JICA during 1989-1990 for agricultural water development in the river basin.  Several sub-projects in the river basin were proposed for feasibility study of water utilization in the project area and its vicinity. The main objectives of the project were to develop plans for irrigation, water supply, salinity intrusion abatement, agriculture, flood protection, water resources system modelling and simulation for river basin, dam/ reservoir, socio-economic and preliminary environmental impact study.

The total area of the project is about 2,500  The scope of work include:

1) Study of water uses in an approximate irrigation area of 1 million rai of the Bang Pakong River Basin which have been planned by reservoir development and expansion of existing irrigated land according to the cabinet decision for the study of 10 related reservoir projects.

2) Undertake feasibility study for harness of impounded water on Bang Pakong Diversion Dam for agricultural purpose in the Lower Eastern Bank of Chao Phraya Project, especially some parts of irrigated land areas in the Rangsit-Tai, Khlong Dan and Phra-Onk Chaiyanuchit Projects.

3) Propose improvement plans for the systems of irrigation, drainage, flood protection for Bangkok Metropolis and adjacent area in the eastern bank and the distribution system for industrial and domestic uses in the project area and its vicinity.

4) Study of the operation of irrigation water system: Two pilots areas were set up in Talad irrigation project in order to monitor water uses for land preparation and effective rainfall of rice cultivation, irrigation efficiency were calculated on 1R and 2R canals.  Calibration curve for water released from Upper Rabom reservoir was also constructed. Percolation tests were performed in Talad, Nakornnayok, Bangpluang, Tahae, Prachantakam, Koke Kacha and Huai Krai irrigation projects covering an area of approximately 850,000 rai.

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