Feasibility Study and Detailed Design of the Improvement of Mae Faek - Mae Ngad Irrigation Project

Project Name: Feasibility Study and Detailed Design of the Improvement of  Mae Faek - Mae  Ngad IrrigationProject

Name of Company: Progress Technology Consultants Co.,Ltd.

Location: Chieng Mai Province, Thailand

Name of Client: Royal Irrigation Department

Type of Service: Feasibility study, initial environmental examination and detailed design

Project Cost: 136.02  million baht

Duration: Mar. 2002 - Sep. 2003

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Project Description : The Feasibility and Detailed Design of the Improvement of Mae Faek- Mae Ngad Irrigation Project is one of the projects under the Royal Irrigation Department’s policy which aims to improve the existing irrigation projects to raise the level of service, increase crop production to raise farmer income, utilizing limited resources efficiently, and create the mechanism for water user involvement to enable sustainable irrigation project management. The servicesvprovided include:

  • Data Collection and Review: The consultant performed survey and gathered data in order to implement project planning and project procurement. It includes primary and secondary data collection, data analyzing and evaluation of the data. his step concern on current status and forecast condition of the project and shall apply to all aspects such as engineering, water distribution and allocation management, economic, environment and ecology, and organization management.
  • Feasibility study for project improvement and water management
  • Reviewing of existing objectives and targets of the irrigation project set in the planning stage. Revising those objectives and targets conform with the project current status.
  • Water demand surveying and estimation.
  • Surveying and analyzing of actual irrigation deliveries.
  • Study and evaluating of engineering, management, economic, social and environment.
  • Analyze and identification of the problem and constraint of the project compare to project standard, possible potential and efficiency. Scaling and ranging degree of problem.
  • Performance diagnosis, problem and cause analysis.
  • Feasibility study and purpose project improvement in both water delivery and drainage.
  • Economic analysis of the on project and water users.
  • Evaluation of current database. Emphasis on data utilization by improvement of database. Transferring of primary data to secondary or tertiary data for decision making.
  • Organization study, evaluating current institutions and water user groups performances for the purpose of potential study and proposing organization improvement.
  • Propose water allocation and management during project construction period.
  • Public involvement and participation
  • Study the initial environmental examination.
  • Detailed Design for project improvement, prepare technical specifications and cost estimation.

Project Highlight :

At the present time, the effort to expand existing irrigation projects’ area or the introduction of the new projects often encounters various oppositions and limitations. Therefore, the most suitable alternative is to improve and modernize existing irrigation projects which have been in operation for a long time. This alternative will benefit and meet the requirements at various levels from the farmers in the project area to the river basin management level.

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