Feasibility Study of Chachoengsao Raw Water Pipeline Project

Project Name: Feasibility Study of Chachoengsao Raw Water Pipeline Project

Consultant: Asian Engineering Consultants Corp., Ltd.

Country: Thailand

Project Location within Country: Chachoengsao Province, Thailand

Name of Client: Eastern Water Resources Development and Management Public Company Limited

Professional Staff Provided :

No. of Staff: 19

No. of Man-Months: 44.50

Start Date (Month/Year) 10/1994 Completion Date (Month/Year) 08/1995

Approximate Value of Services: US$ 0.56 M.

Name of associated firm(s), if any: Proportion : San E. 68 Consulting Engineer 14.97 %

Project Cost : US$ 62.5 M.  (1 US$ = 40 Baht)

Detailed Narrative Descriptive of Project :

The main components of the project consist of a pump station, head tank, raw water pipeline, cathodic protection, supervisory control, data acquisition (SCADA) system and Substation. The water will be pumped from upstream of the Bang Pakong diversion dam proposed by the Royal Irrigation Department approximately 10 km. from A. Muang, Chanwat Chachoengsao and transported via 60 km. of pipeline to EGAT power plant, Bang Pakong and Chachoengsao water works and industrial estates and factories along Bang Na – Trad, Suvintawong and No. 314 highway. The project will be carried out into two states. The first stage will deliver raw water up to 65 mcm./year.

Scope of work:

1. Review, update of existing data and information as provided in the prefeasibility report prepared by the East Water and collect additional data and information necessary for the feasibility study.

2. Study and prepare preliminary design of the project for the feasibility study.

3. Survey and analysis the most economic route of the raw water pipleline, size of pipe, location, size and height of the head tank.

4. Prepare cost estimate of alternative routes of pipeline and carried out economic and financial analysis of the project.

5. Establish design criteria for the detail design.

6. Prepare detail design drawings and tender document for international tendering.

Detailed Description of Actual Services provided :

Consulting services include collection, review, updated and analysis of existing data and reports regarding meteorology and hydrology as well as water drainage and water resourcesdevelopment projects in the basin. The demand for domestic use and industrial use was forecasted for the 1st and 2nd stage development up to year 2007 and 2017 respectively. The preliminary design, cost estimate as well as financial and economic analysis of the project were carried out for the feasibility study. The detail of the first stage development and tender document were prepared for international bidding.

Highlight :

The project consist of a pump station, head tank, raw water pipeline, cathodic protection, supervisory control, data acquisition (SCADA) system and Substation. The water will be pumped from upstream of the Bang Pakong diversion dam approximately 10 km. from A. Muang, Changwat Chachoengsao and transported via 60 km. of pipeline to EGAT power plant, Bang Pakong and Chachoengsao water works and industrial estates and factories along Bang Na – Trad, Suvintawong and No. 314 highway. The project will be carried out into two states. The first stage will deliver raw water up to 65 mcm./year.

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