Highways Environmental Action Plan Implementation Project

Project Name: Highways Environmental Action Plan Implementation Project 


Project Location: Thailand

Project Owner: Department of Highways (DOH)

Project Feature: Study and set up environmental and social Action Plan

Consultant Fee : 
3,497,017.00 bath

Project Detail    :

I.    Project Background

Department of Highways (DOH) is the government organization that has a primary duty to develop highways in Thailand into a complete network but the department also considers about environment and people. Without paying special consideration when a project is planed could have a result of environmental and social impacts which DOH do not prefer to let it occurs. In 2002, Thai government promulgated Environmental protection act to encourage environmental protection which can respond with encouragement of human right from the 2540, Constitution of Thailand. Moreover, DOH also corresponds with sustainable development concept that has been a major issue throughout the world to protect environmental and social impact from DOH’s projects.

This project will transform Operational Policy Guideline on Environmental and Social Aspects (OPGES), a policy to meet with main objectives of DOH, into a practical level.

II. Target Groups

This project actually involving with all level of personal in The Department of Highways because one of its objectives is to concert environmental and social concern into all organization. However, target groups (all DOH staff) could be classified as:

  1. Upper management / policy maker staff those related to environmental and social issue to facilitate the project development. For example, vice director on academic or representative who acts as a chairman of The Committee on Road Environmental Policy;
  2. The Committee on Road Environment Policy; 
  3. Environmental Group; 
  4. Department of Highways parties those directly involve with environmental and social issues such as Bureau of Planning, Bureau of Location and Design, Burea of Right of Way, construction parties, maintenance parties, and district office; 
  5. Department of Highways parties those indirectly involve with environmental and social issues such as Training Division to construct good will on environment andsocial for any individual who involving with these issue.

II. Result from the Project
The Department of Highways will receive additional benefits other from study those are: 

  1. Efficiency transform Operational Policy Guidelines on Environmental and Social Aspects (OPGES) into practical level continuously; 
  2. Personal in The Department of Highways’ unit who is directly or indirectly involving with environmental and social issues acquires knowledge, understanding, and be able to perform regular procedure with more sense of environmental and social concern. Moreover, the result shall be applied to other The Department of Highways’ project in the future;
  3. Environmental and social operational procedure, practical action plan, and monitoring and evaluation plan of every units those involving with environmental and social issues; 
  4. Environmental and social performance indicator that is clear and suitable for every unit.

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