Survey and Detailed Design for Nakhon Ratchasima Municipality Water System Improvement Project

Project Name: Survey and Detailed Design for Nakhon Ratchasima Municipality Water System Improvement Project

Name of Company: Progress Technology Consultants Co.,Ltd.

Name of Associated Firm: Metcalf & Eddy International Inc. (for detailed design and financial analysis)

Services provided by PTC: Detailed design, financial analysis, preparation of contract documents  and bid evaluation

Location: Nakhon Ratchasima Municipality, Thailand

Name of Client: Public Works Department

Type of Service: Detailed design, financial analysis, preparation of contract documents  and bid evaluation

Project Cost: 3,265 million baht

Duration: Sept. 1996 - May 1998

Project Description: Nakhon Ratchasima Municipality has a current population of 200,000. The expansion of the existing water supply system is urgently required in order to alleviate the current low pressure and water shortages problem as well as to meet the increased demand. The Public Works Department had commissioned the consultants to design the Phase I improvement/expansion of the existing water supply systems to meet the projected demand up to the year 2014.

The services provided include :

Survey and detailed design :


the works  performed include:

  • Feasibility Study Report review
  • existing water supply system performance evaluation.
  • water demands forecast for the municipal area and communities along transmission pipelines.
  • evaluation of options for water supply system improvement: engineering and financial viability.
  • carried out the detailed design for :
  • raw water intake and pump station located in Lam Chae Reservoir.
  • raw water transmission pipe.
  • water treatment plant with a capacity of 105,600 cu.m./day.
  • finished water transmission pipe.
  • distribution reservoir and pump station and rehabilitation of existing distribution pump stations.
  • distribution system piping improvements- instrumentation and control system.
  • construction contracts breakdown.
  • preparation of tender documents cost estimation and construction schedule.

Financial Analysis: Perform financial analysis for cost recovery and development an appropriate tariff structure.

Terms of Reference Preparation: Preparation of Terms of Reference (TOR) for consulting services for bids evaluation and construction supervision.

Project Highlight:

After the construction has been completed, It will be the large and modernized water supply system that can serve people in Nakhon Ratchasima municipality and the communities along transmission pipelines. The concept of  “Water Supply Control Center” has adopted to monitor and evaluate system performance for diction making process.
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